An Experimental Website about using numbers: finance, Excel, math, and data

I know I'm breaking all of the rules about sticking to a single topic on a website so that visitors know what to expect. My problem is I can't stick to one topic, so I'm trying to stick as best as I can on subjects about numbers, Excel, and data. But I will sometimes veer off; hence, the reason why I call this site experimental. Also, I tend to play around with WordPress to see what it can do. I would like to one day dive into website programming so that I can make this website do more. In the meantime, I will continue to write about what happens at work, what I learn and what I'm curious about.

THIS SITE IS UNDERGOING CHANGES. My prior theme, while I loved the design of it, it was very old and I feared that one day it would no longer work. Soooo, I'm trying to update and figure out how this theme works.  Of course, I'm having some problems with it and I can't seem to switch back. (sad face). As usual, there will be a learning curve.

This site is best look at in landscape mode. The theme is only quasi-responsive.

And I am still working on updating the About Me section.

Recent Postings

MetaSlider is TOTALLY broken. Smart Slider is not so smart.

The slider sort of kind of works but you can't quickly click on a slide. You need to wait a second before clicking. It is kind of persnickety.

Testing the Polls
Six Feet Under
Detecting AI Hallucinations
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Climate Change

"If you haven't been convinced so far, then I will let the future convince you because the future is going to convince you." Hank Green

That lament is almost a cri de coeur regarding the obstinate refusal to see the climate severity we are going through: after this summer of 2023 with its severe and persistent heat waves presiding over the world - not just in the U.S., it is hard to believe that anyone could still deny that something is wrong with the climate. So, we/I can't believe that you would still deny. We/I think you know deep in your heart that something is wrong, but you won't admit it.

Here's the post where I added the YouTube video of Hank Green discussing how he does not believe that the climate deniers do not believe in climate change. Not after all that is going on.