[This page is a work in progress. More details planned. This site is best looked at horizontally. The theme I'm using is apparently not that responsive - it's quasi responsive.]

Your work is a Gift    James Victore

I'm a mixture of left brain logic and right brain artsy creativity and all of that spills over into my work. There is always an element of work process automation, of digging into the numbers and sometimes trying to find new ways of visualizing the results. The end result? Usually, I and my team either set the standards or are ahead of the curve.


Sample Accomplishments

  • Saved potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars (roughly $840K), if not over a million (roughly $1,680K), in late penalty fees by figuring out how to automate the healthcare reporting, all within an extremely tight deadline.
  • Cut finance reporting times from 6 hours to 20 minutes by developing a VBA program.
  • Again, reduced operational reporting time and potentially increased time in front of customer through VBA programming.
  • Created a tool to do a first pass analysis of 30 budgets in an intense one week time frame.
  • Led a team of 3 that became known as the "cleanest program" at the corporate office.
  • With my team, implemented an in-house program ahead of the rest of the commercial division such that we were described as "being ahead of the curve".
  • Developed a process that enabled our team to generate weekly reports for 100 projects within one hour as opposed to 3 or 4 projects per month - the only team in the division to do so.
  • Reduced by roughly 80% the number of projects that were overextended by month end through the use of "predictive analytics" to pinpoint projects about to run out of money.


Excel/Power BI

Pivot Tables


Array formulas

Power Query



Forecasting/Rolling Forecast/Budgeting

Pricing models/Modeling


Revenue and cost accruals






Affinity Photo/Designer



My Recent Projects

Interactive Analytics

ACA Reporting

Automated Operations Reporting

I do new. I do different. I do creative. If you want something figured out that has not been done before, then I'm likely to lead the way. If you want to continue what has always been done, then don't look to me. I'm constantly looking for ways to do things better, to operate at a phenomenal level.

Skeeze at Pixabay

In today's world, no one knows what tomorrow will bring. There is just too much competition globally for anybody to know, so you may as well be flexible, keep learning, and embrace ambiguity. It is not like the old days where you could make forecasts and then move toward meeting your forecasts. The world just moves too fast today.

Camila Rubio Varon at Unsplash