Another Microsoft Update

Okay, over the weekend my machine just basically stopped working for over a day until the machine stopped doing whatever it was doing in the background. I don’t know if Microsoft was trying to do an update or if Dropbox was doing an update. It looks like Microsoft was trying to do an update and so my machine was unusable for maybe 24 hours.

It began Friday night when I received a black screen that went on for over an hour, so I went to bed at around midnight with the machine on in the hopes that later the screen would come back up with its usual display. At 3 am I woke up, checked the machine and saw that the display was back. But I still couldn’t do anything. A simple action such as pulling up the File Explorer was inoperable. So, I presumed the machine was still doing whatever it was doing in the background.

I went back to bed.

Got up on Saturday to a still sluggish machine.

So, it was time for a new machine before I totally lose everything.

Last week, actually a couple of weeks, was a horrible week since nothing worked at work and now my home technology is malfunctioning. I’m just depressed about it all since I’m not making any progress in anything.

This is just a quick post before I resume saving everything.

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