Automation update 2

In my last post I mentioned that I had created some VBA programs to update my nightly pulling in data. Now it’s been about a week and is really is fast. Today I just finished up the last macro that I wanted to create and I will be testing it tonight, but already, the speed of the programs are just amazing.

Really, people should start thinking about what part of their work can be automated and find ways to do so because someone else will do it for them. People need to get familiar with the software tools and figure out how to make them work for them instead of someone else creating something that will push them out of the job.

Once people know how these software works, people will start to recognize where to deploy the software to get rid of those automatable tasks and will start working up the skills ladder.

The trick is figuring out what to replace the old tasks and duties with that can get people up the ladder. I’m not sure corporations will help with that.

Anyway this is just a quick update post.

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