Blackhole of Greed

Earlier this week I read something that is fairly indicative of the callous times we live in: a bunch of wealthy donors (bankers and hedge fund managers?) told the Democrats that if Elizabeth Warren becomes the nominee for presidency, they were going to support Trump. So, they would rather have treason than have a 2% wealth tax. They would rather lose democracy than lose 2% of their wealth.

A wealth tax of just 2% on anything above $50 million – to repeat again, the first $50 million is tax free.

Where their heart is supposed to lie is a blackhole of greed.

These people have so much money and still they are crying over a mere 2% wealth tax on anything over $50 million. And these are the same guys who, in the process of seeking shareholder value, lay off average Americans, either to offshore, to automate or simply to cut costs. Those average Americans lose 100% of their income.

This kind of behavior is why the average American wants to raise taxes on the rich and big corporations.

This kind of behavior is why the average American is seeking to “drain the swamp”.

This kind of behavior shows the general callousness of most of the billionaires.

100% versus 2%? This inequity is why average American do not feel sorry for them.

Reading the tweet about the billionaires’ threat to back Trump led me to an article on how most billionaires secretly and actively promote unpopular policies that are quite possibly detrimental to most average Americans. (Read that article; it’ll make you sick.)

In that same article, I learned that those billionaires supporting increased taxes on the wealthy are actually in the minority. The ones like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Nick Hanauer, Tom Steyer, George Soros, Bloomberg are a minority and stories about them kind of present a deceiving picture. The vast majority of the billionaires (like the Kock brothers) are not in favor of increasing their taxes. In fact, they want to reduce regulations, privatize social security and cut the funding for education, healthcare, retirement, and other social programs. They don’t want to help the average person.

And reading that article led me to an article on bad behaviors of the rich. It is just ugly. (And the article will enrage you.)

I wish they would wise up. If they don’t give on the taxes now, then taxes may be forcefully loaded on them and way more than 2%.

One day their blackhole may just consume them.

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