Bring on the Clowns

I was going to talk about something else, but I saw something that sort of jolted me. It’s the curious phenomena of politicians (mainly Republicans) going on reality TV to maybe resuscitate their reputations or maybe earn some money or maybe become a star. The latest politician to do so is Rudy Guliani on the Masked Singer show. I know nothing about that show and thus do not pretend to know what the show’s intent is.

His latest appearance is after a long line of embarrassing appearances: hands down his pants, black dye running down his face, conference in front of “Four Seasons Landscaping” and near a brothel. This guy used to be a top prosecutor in New York and was called America’s Mayor after 9/11 and now he’s reduced to singing on a reality TV.

What happened?

I just Googled and read that the show is very popular and is supposed to be an escape from our troubled world…except Fox Entertainment has just injected a very divisive personality who was the leading proponent of the “Big Lie” and was part of the coup attempt.

I was pretty much ignoring the whole Rudy imbroglio until I saw this news segment commenting on the number of Republican politicians appearing on reality TV: Sarah Palin, Sean Spicer, Rick Perry, Tucker Carlson. The newscaster said that if a Democrat politician had appeared on such shows, he would have been “killed” or maybe cancelled.

The guest on that news segment came from Hollywood (maybe is a producer or writer) and he said that appearing on reality TV is a very smart move. I hope that is not true or we are in big trouble. I’d rather have my politicians be serious and not be a lightweight.

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