Bad use of software tools

Bad use of software tools

AI as a replacement tool While a lot of the consulting firms and technology companies urge other companies trying to deploy AI to regard AI as a complement to human intelligence, there are other companies – the more Milton Friedman, capitalist, free market types, the more harsher types – deploying AI as a way of…

Looking into the AI future

Looking into the AI future

“Initially, AI will have a broadly augmentative effect, taking over low-value tasks and empowering humans to focus their efforts on more strategic and creative jobs. But at some stage, likely in five years or so, AI will start to take over entire job roles, starting with the most “procedural” or rules-based jobs. Eventually, it will…

Playing with a Meeting AI

Playing with a Meeting AI

“I’m going to bring an elephant to our meeting next week.” What was that?!? ***************************************************************************** Every week I have a call on AI: what’s in the news, how people are using it, how regular people can use it at work, play with AI tools, and any rants. After numerous articles about how hiring managers were…

AI and the Gaming Industry

AI and the Gaming Industry

I’m circling back to see what is going on in the AI arena. I’m getting a very faint sense that people are being replaced by AI. While AI grinds its way through the industries, the latest industry to be hit is the gaming industry, which I’m not familiar with at all. A few articles have…

AI is finally coming for bankers, and soon, the rest of us.

AI is finally coming for bankers, and soon, the rest of us.

I think the moment that I’ve been dreading is here. Since around 2013 or 2014, I’ve always wondered how to prepare for when everything in finance is automated. Artificial intelligence has come for banking. Fortune: Beware, finance bros: AI is coming for banking before any other kinds of jobs, Citigroup warns. Forbes: AI Could Displace…