Quick primer on prompting

Quick primer on prompting

Quite a few people who haven’t yet explored the new generative AI have asked me, “How do you use ChatGPT?” As a matter of fact, a recent article that I read quoted that about 75% of the people have not touched it. That’s a surprising statistic. But then, only about 38% of the adults have…

AI can ruin your reputation.

AI can ruin your reputation.

There are quite a few ways that AI can ruin your reputation, so you don’t need to help it along. AI could falsely claim that you committed some crime, as quite a few search results show. Facial profiling could be erroneous. Or the LLM could be using discriminatory bias to lock you out of opportunities….

Using AI with Python

Using AI with Python

Last year I took a course with Harvard’s CS50P Python because, well, I wanted to learn another language in case Microsoft VBA goes away. Companies are constantly changing up their offerings, so I wanted to be prepared. I did not do it because I thought Microsoft would pair up Excel with Python for data analysis…