Flux – the book

Flux – the book

How does one thrive when the world is shifting constantly and unpredictably? That’s the topic of Flux by April Rinnes. I managed to finish another book. But I did stay up ’til 3 in the morning to do so, so the last couple of chapters are kind of fuzzy and I probably have to re-read….

Book: The Digital Mindset

Book: The Digital Mindset

With everything becoming digital at work and the future is practically here, I read anything that might point the way for me to upgrade my skills. The latest is the book The Digital Mindset by Paul Leonardi and Tsedal Neeley. This book has some neat things to consider, so I write a brief blog on…

Gary V on Gratitude

Gary V on Gratitude

In January I read one of Gary V’s books, Twelve and a Half. Now, although his comments and books on social media have been fascinating to read, I’m not really a Gary V fan, due to the impression I have that he is pretty much the face of the hustle culture which comes across as…