Social Graphs

Social Graphs

The next chapter (Chapter 10) in Algorithms for Dummies is actually very short because it does not go into much mechanical or technical details in parsing social network graphs due to the complexity of working with myriad connections. I would imagine juggling with large datasets and interconnecting relationships just makes things messier and harder to…

Graphs 2

Graphs 2

I’m continuing on with posting on what I’m learning from Algorithms for Dummies, by John Paul Mueller and Luca Massaron. Now before proceeding further, I must point out that as I get deeper and deeper into the book, I’m not going to understand a lot of the concepts, except at a very superficial level, if…



The next chapter, or rather the next few chapters, in Algorithms for Dummies, by John Paul Mueller and Luca Massaron, is all about graphing but not in the typical way we regard graphing. Instead of a typical line or bar chart that we are familiar with, these Python graphs can be regarded as images of…

Search Algorithms

Search Algorithms

The next chapter of the book Algorithms for Dummies is searching. Last time I wrote about sorting algorithms and I discussed how I had a little bit of a problem understanding the different sorting algorithms at a high-level concept. The book actually provided Python programs that did the sorting and I tried to understand what…

Started Learning Python

Started Learning Python

A quick note about yesterday’s post: I wanted to add something that I forgot to mention in yesterday’s post. At the end, I mentioned that there were a few things I wanted to add to the analysis. One was to add each state’s lockdown/shutdown/stay-at-home order date and the projected re-opening date. Another thing I wanted…