The Real Jack Welch?

The Real Jack Welch?

I’m reading a really, really, really interesting book, Imagine It Forward, by Beth Comstock where the author narrates her career in PR and as a change maker. I’ve just started so I’m only at the early part of her career where she is at GE during Jack Welch’s tenure. Now growing up, Jack Welch was…

In Praise of Inefficiency

In Praise of Inefficiency

Sometimes you just want to go analog: hold a book in your hands and fold back the pages; smush paint around real paper, pushing its thick viscous texture; talk face to face and get subliminal reactions. In the business world, there is such a hyperventilation about going digital and using big data that that’s all…

Woman with neon computer eyes looking over her sunglasses and the words "The robots next door"

Book: Robot in the Next Cubicle

“The company, Changying Precision Technology, manufactures mobile phones and at one point employed 650 people to meet operational requirements. Recently, however, the company has replaced 90 percent of its workforce with robots. The change was quite shocking, as productivity rose by 250 percent and defects dropped by 80 percent. Today the company only employs 60…

Smart Cities Part 1 - The Smartest Places on Earth: Why Rustbelts Are the Emerging Hotspots of Global Innovation

Smart Cities – Part 1

“Brainbelts, places where close collaboration among universities, start-ups, and legacy businesses had put them at the forefront of innovation, revived economic activity, and brought boarded up downtowns back to live. Contrary to popular perception, Democrats didn’t “lose” the entire rustbelt, just those areas that made little effort or were unable to reform and revitalize their…

The Math Myth by Andrew Hacker

Book: The Math Myth

For those of you who followed the college regime in high school, did you or do you ever use algebra in your day to day job? Trig? Or how about calculus? I’m guessing probably not. I’m in the midst of reading The Math Myth by Andrew Hacker and the book has some pretty interesting and…