Update #3

Update #3

This post is part 3 of my Power BI updates. Post 1 was an update on the state tracking on Power BI and contained a rehash of how I created some measures such as running total (or cumulative) from the daily cases, moving averages for “x” days (in my case, I’m using 7 days moving…

Data Updates with Images

Data Updates with Images

This post is going to be different than usual. It’s going to be composed of mainly images. The images will be a repetition of the nine states that I’ve been following (Texas, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, Louisiana, California, New York and Michigan). I originally chose those states because they were in the news the…

Some Excel Ideas
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Some Excel Ideas

Note: This post took forever to develop. Creating examples took a lot of out me so I’m thinking of doing the second half next weekend. Over the holidays I was thinking over the conversations I had with others about using Excel and it got me thinking about ways I use Excel that others don’t. It…

Playing with Data Query

Playing with Data Query

I thought since I’m on Thanksgiving holiday that I would go back to my climate files where I had gathered data from the web and see if I can update the data using the embedded data query. The one I was really interested in was the file pulling in temperature data history for each state…