Artificial Intelligence - A Warning

Artificial Intelligence: A Warning

Here’s an article that outlines a good case of what could happen when artificial intelligence starts taking over jobs, especially when owners and senior management implement an artificial intelligence that does not complement human skills but completely replaces them. There is nothing new in his warnings; we all know the possibilities because they have been…

Talking about data

Talking About Data

About two weeks ago I was talking to somebody at work about a database and reporting system that was set up in another part of the company. The goal was to merge our part of the company with this other part, especially in the data and reporting systems. This other part of the company is…

Date Logic is Killing Me

The Date Logic is Killing Me

Lately I’ve been working on this reconciliation problem where I want the spreadsheet to highlight for me all potential problems with the data. A lot of the reconciliation deals with employee ids, social security numbers, dates and deductions. I want the spreadsheet to do the work for me since I actually do not have the…

When Does Data Analytics Become Illegal?

When Does Analytics Become Illegal (Learning from Cambridge Analytica)

This week, there has been a lot going on with Cambridge Analytica, a data mining/data analytics company that supposedly helped get Trump elected. In reading these articles, I wondered when does data analytics become illegal and privacy intrusion? There are some parts to this story that are obviously illegal: Aleksandr Kogan, a Russian American professor…