Hard Work

Hard Problems

Lately I’ve been reading a lot about people solving hard problems such as saving the world, eliminating poverty, solving climate change. These are BIG, HAIRY problems that won’t be easily eradicated. Most of us don’t deal with stuff like this. But we all do work on hard problems, just on a smaller scale. Right now…

Some Progress at Work

Some Progress at Work

Last week I made some progress in delving into the numbers at work. I was trying to reconcile data between two systems and nothing was tying out. I knew there were some issues, but it couldn’t be that bad. I figured I was not looking at the information correctly. In order to get some kind…

Data does not equal meaning

Data does not equal meaning

Earlier this week, I read a blog by Paul Krugman on the inaugural of Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight website (or maybe the re-birthing of the site). The main point of the blog is that you can’t throw up the data and say “the data speaks for itself”. You need to do some analysis and indicate what the…