Curve Flattening?

Curve Flattening?

I’m going to try to keep this an extremely short post tonight because it is late. All of this week I’ve been trying to go through all of my data files to see if the ones that I’ve been downloading and storing are actually the same set of data. I need to make room on…

Interesting Stories: Sturgis rally, Japan Olympics, and Cullman, AL rally
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Interesting Stories: Sturgis rally, Japan Olympics, and Cullman, AL rally

So, a couple of interesting charts came up in regards to the coronavirus. The news are still relentlessly bad and combined with the onslaught of extreme weather, I just sort of pulled back on posting on these two topics. I’m not ignoring them – I’m still doing my nightly corona collection but the trends have…

Impact in Power BI of States Reporting Only Once a Week
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Impact in Power BI of States Reporting Only Once a Week

I’ve noticed that states have stopped reporting coronavirus status every single day, including the weekends, especially in the South. I get it…we’re getting tired of keeping track of how we’re doing (or how we’re not faring). Florida, though, is a state that is on another level so that now my graphs are starting to be…

Delta Surge

Delta Surge

Time to switch topics and take a look at where we are in regards to the coronavirus, and all signs point to a surge continuing to strengthen. Now the news in my inbox are starting to come in with stories about cases surging throughout the US. The World Europe and Asia are really surging right…