Be An Explorer

Success from my Explorations!

Late yesterday’s afternoon, I started to play around with my Excel file to develop a tool that will help me figure out my Sudoku puzzles faster and I succeeded! I actually designed something that will help me solve the easy puzzles. Please note the stress on the word easy. This file only works for easy puzzles. I’m…

Pivot Magic

Pivot Magic

This is a very short post but I did learn something new about pivot tables. I don’t know if this feature has always been present or just got implemented in Excel 2013, but it is a very, very nifty feature. And in the words of my boss, “It is big.” I learned that you can…

Are You Average?

Using Averages

I’m going to try something new here. A couple of weeks ago, someone was questioning my calculations of averages and it got me thinking: why use weighted average rather than average? I think most people understand the use of averages but I am not so sure they understand weighted averages. The concept of weighted average…