Text: 2025 against dark abstract background

Data points for 2025

Here’s a couple of data points to think about the upcoming year 2025: I didn’t do my usual celebratory picture of the new year because it didn’t feel right against the anxious anticipatory mood. If tariffs happen and if mass deportation effects happen as projected, a lot of people are going to be hurt –…

Text: tremblors of capitalism? Circular symbol of earthquake behind a gun.

Capitalism: did we get the first tremblors of a quake?

Was Wednesday the first tremblors of a capitalism quake?. When I first saw the headlines, I thought, “Ah, a disgruntled employee or customer lashing out at the top man.” I didn’t read the articles because I had other things to do But when the news kept roiling, I then thought, “Okay, this is more serious….