Hardening Emotions

Hardening Emotions

The horrifying images out of Ukraine keeps coming, but this time they are joined by images from drones that show the actual killings by the Russians; thus, refuting the Russians’ claims that the images are fake. Audios of military commanders ordering the slaughter of civilians also came out, providing further proof that the Russians are…



Data point one: I once read a book about the last days of World War II in 1945 in Berlin, days leading up to the suicide of Hitler and the days afterward. After Hitler committed suicide and the Germans were negotiating with the US and British the terms for ending the war, the Germans were…

Republicans Support Ukraine

Republicans Support Ukraine

I was shocked when recent polling data indicated the Republicans supported Ukraine’s fight against the invasion. Why? Well, when Trump and Tucker Carlson seem to lean on Putin’s side, I thought the voters would follow along, but for the present moment, they are leaning towards Ukraine, in the opposite direction of Trump or Carlson. So…