December Heat Wave

December Heat Wave

We’ve been having strange weather this year. A couple of heat waves down in the South, the rash of tornadoes in the Midwest, including a long track tornado on December 10-11, and an ongoing drought in the West that provided the fuel for a damaging fire in Boulder, Colorado. Tomorrow is supposed to be another…

Corporate Values

Corporate Values

“…despite lip-service to the contrary, the long-term vision that values require is not rewarded. US corporate governance norms are based on the shareholder value model, which enshrines maximizing shareholder profits as a company’s raison d’être.” “The problem with corporate “values””, Vox, Anna Held, September 21, 2021. The Vox article, “The problem with corporate “values” ”,…

Booster Shots

Booster Shots

Thank you, Bill O’Reilly and Trump, for saying what needs to be said: they got vaccinated and also received the booster shots. Yesterday, I did a post describing how the data shows extreme surges happening in the US. At the end, I wanted to add more to the post, but I couldn’t remember what I…

December Tornadoes

December Tornadoes

I stayed up late, regretfully, Friday night following the progress of a storm tracker, little knowing that I was watching a historic December event. On Friday evening after I did my usual data gathering, I switched to YouTube to see if there was any weather news and up popped up was a live video by…