What hiring managers and recruiters are looking for

What hiring managers and recruiters are looking for

This video surprised me: I had no idea that financial types had progressed further than just using VLOOKUPs and Pivot Tables. I thought Pivot Tables would be part of the landscape for those in finance but Power Query, Power BI, simple and advanced VBA? Match and Index? Wow. There is also “removing duplicates” which I…

Heather McGowan: Inflection Point is Now

Heather McGowan: Inflection Point is Now

I encountered Heather McGowan through my readings of Thomas Friedman’s writings. He was writing on a topic about the future, where we will be forced to continuously learn because technology will be progressing so fast that skills become rapidly outmoded. That is pretty much Heather McGowan’s contention: we will be continuously adapting and learning as…