Smart Cities - Part 2 - the book The Smartest Places on Earth by Antoine van Agtmal

Smart Cities Part 2

I finally finished The Smartest Places on Earth by Antoine van Agtmal. My overall impression is that in areas that used to have a large manufacturing base, they are starting to revive by moving up the skills ladder: medical, biotechnology, materials science, technology, etc; hence the name smart cities. The revival is also heavily predicated…

IOTs have Ears

IOTs have Ears

So, soon the walls will really have ears. The latest article on our machines listening to us would be funny if such as scenario didn’t feel like an impending dystopian future. This incident was purely accidental, but in the hands of an authoritarian regime (Putin? Xi Jinping? Viktor Orban? Trump?), such listening devices would be…

Fake News

Fake News Again

Fake news is alive and well. I read last Friday that within 20 minutes of disclosure of the school shooter’s identity, people were creating fake Facebook accounts in the shooter’s name and making false implications about him, such as any alliance with the antifas or alliance with Hillary or alliance with Trump, etc. First, why…

BS Jobs

BS Jobs

This article about BS job is kind of funny and I suspect the guy leading the charge may not really understand what those so-called BS jobs entail or why they exist. What are BS jobs? Here’s some example he lists: clerical workers, consultants, telemarketers, corporate lawyers, service personnel, brand managers, middle management, etc. Telemarketers, if…

Using Google for Answers

Using Google for Answers

Earlier in the week, I was working with somebody on getting Dropbox loaded onto her machine. For some reason, Dropbox would not install after you hit the “Install” link. Instead, we kept receiving a blank screen. So I went to Google to see if it could direct me to the answer to our problem and…