New Modes of Working

Future Modes of Working

With the coming jobocollapse (okay, bad word) where roughly 50% of the jobs will be taken over by robots, I’ve been wondering, what do we do to adjust? Obviously, we need to rethink the concept of capitalism because with 50% (most likely more) unemployed, you are not going to have customers. As more people become…

What Are Companies For?

Shareholder Values Makes for Really Inspiring Mission Statements – NOT

I’ve been away for a while, busy with work and a new personal project. I just finished my personal project so hopefully I can get back on schedule. Which mission statements excite you? ♦ Guiding Principle: “X” is committed to being the world’s premier XXXX company. To that end, we must continuously achieve superior financial…

Rushing to the Future

The Brave New Future

I am reading a book right now which is taking a while because I am reading maybe 3 other books at the same time and I have been busy with other stuff. This book is about the future: Future Smart. I’ve mentioned this book before, possibly twice before and I probably will mention it a…

BP's Puzzle

BP’s Strange Puzzle

In LinkedIn last week, BP had a posting of a puzzle: “What is unique about the following number? 8,549,176,320.” The responses I saw were giving answers to the puzzle. I looked at it and wondered: “I wonder if this puzzle is out on Google?” I googled the number and sure enough, it is out there….