Trump Comedy Show

Trump Comedy Show

I’ve been working on this video training which is impacting on how I view my work. This video training is so sorry that I just want to cry. Of course then, my postings or my simulation studies or my artwork suffers because they look or read awful too. So I pretty much put the art on…

Random Notes

Random Notes

Right now I’m doing a video training on how to do the automated report and videos are TIME CONSUMING. First I decided on some “bite” sized modules (“bite” is in quotes because it is questionable whether some are bite-sized), so that the person could take the training on his own time and at his own…

Experimental Play

New Experimental Play

I had a new idea last week and I was hoping to have something for this week. Alas, last week was not very productive. Between the interminable rain, lack of internet access, a new project and just a general lack of ability to solve things led to an unproductive week. My grand idea was to try…


Some Ideas

I’m reading a book right now called The Road to Reinvention by Josh Linkner about being disruptive and transforming your organization or industry. Right now we are going through a great age of disruption, and you want to be the one doing the disrupting, not the one disrupted. So to do something different tonight, this…