Black/White "ink" drawing of Elizabeth Warren with abstract background and text of "Wealth Tax"

Taxing The Wealthy

Wow, Nick Hanauer’s proverbial pitchforks seem to be coming out. Taxing the rich has become a popular topic and quite a few Democrats have come out with some “radical” proposals. Elizabeth Warren’s proposal suggests taxing the wealth, not income, of the top 1% or 75,000 American households. She proposes taxing all assets no matter where…

Post Capitalism: more people are talking about a new kind of capitalism

Post Capitalism

It looks like Elizabeth Warren’s Accountable Capitalism Act hasn’t died yet; the latest news is that some House Democrats are getting on board. I thought it had died but it’s still percolating. In other news I seem to be seeing more and more signs that people are reconsidering the current state of capitalism. I’m not…