Distorted Imagery

Distorted Imagery

A very quick post here but I just noticed this problem of one of my graphs being unintentionally distorted. Here are the bird’s eye view of the cases in the Midwest. These sets of graphs allows me to see somewhat at a glance how each state in the Midwest is doing and I have included…



The chart for Asia is terrifying which is that blue line shooting straight up, higher than anything seen before. (All of these data for 4/17/2021 are coming from Wikipedia – see below.) Image 1 The big contributor to that horrifying rise in cases is India and then Turkey. Here are some charts for the top…

Not much changed since last time on coronavirus
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Not much changed since last time on coronavirus

Since the last post on this subject, I don’t think much has changed: Michigan was seeing a frightening surge, at least graphically, and most of the Northeast was facing an incipient upsurge. Today, that is still pretty much the same message except I would add a couple more midwestern states in addition to Michigan that…

The 4th Surge?
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The 4th Surge?

I haven’t done this is a while so let’s see where we stand with this coronavirus thing. First, it looks like continents around the world are undergoing renewed surges, from frightening so, based upon their almost vertical rise. You can see that Europe, Asia and South America appears to be undergoing an alarming rise, so…

Linking Tables in Power BI: One Work Around When Your Table Relationships Do Not Work

Linking Tables in Power BI: One Work Around When Your Table Relationships Do Not Work

Sometimes I try to graph a relationship between two sets of data through the use of table relationships but the results often fail. An example would be connecting a customer table with addresses and another table with customer purchases and I want to see if there is anything interesting about the geographic nature of customer…

Power BI: When your data source does not update everyday

Power BI: When your data source does not update everyday

When I pull coronavirus data from the CDC site, some data update more frequently than others. The data pertaining to cases and deaths appear to update daily on the afternoon of the next day whereas hospitalization may be updated weekly and testing in some infrequent fashion. The infrequency of update can cause problems with certain…