2024 has begun

2024 has begun

A new year has begun. But I’m not looking forward to it because this year is projected to be a tense and crazy year, possibly even a consequential year. First, we have the Ukraine-Russian war still going on. It is amazing that the Ukrainians have been able to hold off the larger Russians but now…



I’m trying to relax during the last few days left of this year, but I’m still trying to do some planning for 2024. Yeah, I’m being lazy, and I see all of those people who are industrious. So, then I feel like I should continue to keep producing. One of the things I like to…

Crazy, scary world

Crazy, scary world

The world has just gone crazy. It seems like that everyone did not handle the covid era very well; consequently, violence is popping up everywhere. We now have a new violent war to add to the Russian-Ukraine war that is still going on. I’m not seeing as much horrifying news coming out of Ukraine ever…