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Crossing the 4000 threshold

I haven’t mentioned this before when I noticed this event because other news just took over. So I just want to drop off a note on this 4000 threshold.

Graphic 1

Graphic 2

Whether I look at the data from the Covid Tracking Project or from the John Hopkins University, we crossed the 4000 daily deaths threshold in January. It looks like we are hovering at the high end of 3000, very close to 4000 a day. (This level of death is more than 9/11, and yet, we are not crying out to do something about it – at least not on the Trumplican side.) As for new case infections, I thought we were going to cross the 300K threshold but it appears we have climbed down from that level…for now.

But as for the rest of the world, there is no one who has the virus rampaging like it is in the US. There is really, really no comparison.

Graphic 3

Graphic 4

Even though we have appeared to level off our case infections, our death rates and hospitalizations still appears to be surging. The driver of those surges appear to be the South. In the West, only California appears to be in difficult situation but in the South, multiple states are surging, most especially Texas and Florida. Here are my usual images of cases, deaths and hospitalization.

Graphic 5

Graphic 6

Graphic 7

As I said before, we seem to have leveled off the case count, but I don’t know how real that is. Hospitalization has continued to rise which, of course, means that deaths stand a good chance of continuing to rise. If the new variant of the virus kicks in, which right now I don’t see any signs of, then hospitalization could rapidly increase to where capacity constraints will take hold.

So, I’m just watching and waiting.

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