Era of global boiling

“The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived.”

António Guterres, UN Chief

They say this summer could be the coolest summer going forward.

If you want to read the article with that dramatic quote, you can find it here.

Ummm, that’s pretty dramatic. I believed he said that during the same week when Florida Keys topped 100 degrees F, possibly the highest ocean temperature in the world. Some coral reefs skipped bleaching and went straight to dying.

June was announced as the warmest June ever and now July is deemed to be the warmest July. It seems to me that everyday I read about records all around the world falling in the face of this prolonged heat wave sweeping across the world.

I do worry that this kind of drama will turn away the climate deniers and we need everybody on board. Recently, I read or saw something about some climate deniers saying spewing out CO2 is actually good for the planet or rather the plants. I guess plants need the CO2 as a nutrient to be healthy. Apparently, the problem with that theory is that there are way more CO2 being spewed out than the plants can handle.

These climate deniers are now focusing on schools to try to counter the climate change story. I think the strategy is now that even though the climate is warming, it’s really not as bad as the scientists make it out to be and the climate deniers want to reach the kids first with their alternative set of views. Here’s the link to the article about the approach to schools and it contains the story about how we need CO2 for healthy plants.

But these reoccurring extreme weather around the world may have convinced a few Republicans that “gosh, gee, maybe there is something to this climate change” and are starting to sound the bell, but they really can’t speak out too loudly because the majority of the Republican party are still deniers.

The change in that party is too slow.

I can’t imagine it getting hotter than this. We’ve had the heat dome parked over us (more or less) for about 2 months now and we are facing August which is generally one of the hottest months of the year.

And I also have to worry about hurricane season. The season has been revised to be worse than expected. The El Nino was supposed to dampen the hurricane machinery in the Atlantic/Gulf but I wonder if the current heat wave is causing minds to be changed? So the hurricane season is about to really ramp up.

And oh, 2 insurance companies bailed out of Florida due to the increasing cost of hurricane damage. Hurricane Ian struck Florida as a cat 5. The insurance companies are saying climate change is here and it is costing us. Even they believe in climate change.

Note to self

US temperatures are stated in F. Pure water boils at 100 degrees C (212 F) and freezes at 0 degrees C (32 F). So, Florida reporting water temperatures at 101 degrees – that’s Fahrenheit. In salty water, freezing point is lowered while boiling point is raised.

When I wrote this post a couple of weeks ago, I forgot to add another meaning to the era of boiling, although maybe not globally.

It feels like our political season is about to boil. We’re heading into Presidential elections and since 2016, they have been more fraught with tension. We’re so divided and one party keeps talking about a potential for violence. We’ve had a lot of school boards, poll workers, and politicians be threatened because some people don’t like what they stand for.

On top of that is the number of civil/criminal cases against one person who pretty much consumes all of the oxygen in the room. His predicament kind of amps ups the violent rhetoric from his supporters because they can’t seem to accept that he has potentially broken the law (the document case seems like an open and shut case to me, and frankly, the Jan 6 fake elector case looks extremely strong). This willful denial is a problem.

So, to me, the next year and some months will see some tense moments as some of his cases go to trial and he gets more and more frantic to win those cases or delay those court cases. I’m not looking forward to the next year and a half.

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