Random data generator using Python in Excel

Random Data Generator in Excel

I’ve been working on figuring out what was new in Excel in 2024 but using CoPilot. Using these generative AI to summarize what was new is a pretty nifty idea. One of the new things were templates to create random data. Now, Excel has a template that is a random data generator.

Have you ever tried to make up data but found it surprising difficult? I know for myself, to create random numbers or name is kind of hard because I’m trying to make sure it is random and not repetitive. I once used CoPilot to create roughly 300 names so I could replace real names with fake ones for a project. It sor

It of worked but for a while it was struggling. At one point it had to start over before it settled down and actually created a list.

Now, there is a way to generate random data effortlessly.

First thing first – do you have python in Excel?

Before I tell you how to get random data, we must first check to see if your version of Excel has python in Excel.

Python is creating the random data.

How do you know if you have python in Excel? Easy, just type “=py” in the formula bar (leave out the quotes) and it should show up in the mini box of suggested formulas. See below for visual image.

If this suggestion does not show up, you don’t have it.

Getting the random generator

Once you are certain you have the python function in Excel, you are ready to get that random data generator. Do File-New and you should get the following screen:

See that yellow highlighted search bar in the image above? Type in “python” and three templates will show up. Well, three came up for me.

I haven’t pulled in the QR code generator because I already have some kind of formula or add in, but I did download the Python in Excel tutorial and the Random Data Generator.

What does the Excel random data generator offer?

Actually quite a bit of stuff.

Based upon the image above, you can generate names, birthdates, city, country, company, job, phone number, email address, address, and text, so quite a bit of fake information.

Note in the image above that the email address does not tie back to the name, so that is one flaw with this random generator. You might have to do some formula work here.

You can generate up to 1000 rows of fake data.

Why would you want to use this generator?

Maybe you want to make up stuff for training purposes.

Or maybe you want to replace personal information with fake information before you submit to a generative AI for some analysis.

There’s lots of reasons for hiding information so having this tool will ease up on the mental burden of making up data.

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