Fun Stuff on Personality Tests

So, someone posted on their LinkedIn post their personality results from the High5 test.

This is FUN stuff! I always enjoy seeing these.

I’m writing something a little more lighthearted the night before Thanksgiving, just to get away from the horrors taking place in this world. Although we did get some good news about a possible temporary ceasefire in return for the release of some hostages.

But still, the world is very dark right now. It just seems like people want to engage in violence and cruelty.

According to the website, the High5 test is based off of the Gallup’s Strength’s Finders but maybe with some items rearranged, tweaked or slightly changed.

Other types of personality tests are: Standout, PrinciplesYou, Sparktype, Attributes, Myers Briggs, 16 Personalities. There are probably a gazillion others that I don’t know about.

My High5 is very close to the one pictured above:

  • Strategist: Strategists look at the big picture, which enables them to easily find the best way out of the clutter. Because connecting the dots comes naturally to them, they may get impatient with people who make slower decisions.
  • Philomath: Philomaths love learning. They explore many interests, follow new paths and acquire as much knowledge as possible. They don’t enjoy the company of so-called ‘know-it-alls’, people with little curiosity and no desire to explore new ideas.
  • Brainstormer: Brainstormers get excited when asked to come up with ideas where the sky’s the limit. They enjoy connecting the seemingly unconnectable, and quickly get bored by close-minded people and standard practices.
  • Empathizer: Empathizers are great at understanding how people feel and use this sensibility to do good for others. They become frustrated when asked to disregard feelings and focus solely on logic instead.
  • Problem solver: Problem Solvers love uncovering flaws, diagnosing problems and coming up with solutions. It is difficult for them to simply sweep unresolved issues under the rug and keep going as if everything is fine.

My Strengths Finder seems very close to the High5:

  • Input: Have a craving to know more. Often collects and archives all kinds of information.
  • Maximizer: Focuses on strengths to stimulate personal and group excellence. Seeks to transform something strong into something superb.
  • Learner: Has a great desire to learn and wants to continuously improve. The process of learning is more exciting than the outcome.
  • Strategic: Creates alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario, they can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues.
  • Achiever: Has great deal of stamina and works hard. They take great satisfaction from being productive.

Sometimes the input is replaced by Ideation: Fascinated with ideas. Are able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena.

The Standout results give me Pioneer/Influencer combo: keeping innovation high on the agenda, challenging us to create the exceptional.

Yes, there are some commonalities between the results.

Since this is the night before Thanksgiving, I’m going to close out with

Happy Thanksgiving!

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