
While this time of year is wonderful with parties, plenty of food, and general jolliness, I tend to get lazy. Some years are worse than others and this year is one of them. Too much good times is not good for my state of mind. This goes all the way back to high school, if not further back.

So, I could not wait for the Christmas holidays.

And at home, I’m lazy too.

I think this year I will give in to it: do a lot of thinking and reading instead.

The problem is when January rolls around, it is hard to get back on schedule.

Oh boy, when I got ready to do this post, I found out that my Revolution Slider (those things at the home page that has pictures sliding from one image to the next) did not work anymore. So I spent about 6 or 7 hours finding a suitable slider, learning how to use it, and updating all of the sliders I had created in the past. Fortunately I hadn’t created too many.

But I do fear that one day another of my plug ins no longer work due to the constant changes in the WordPress programming environment.

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