Making Mistakes
Right at the beginning of the year, when everyone were making resolutions, Daniel Pink, who apparently got the quote from Neil Gaiman, came with everyone should be making mistakes:
“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing the world.”
“Daniel Pink Just Tweeted the Best Advice for a Winning 2022 I’ve Seen Yet. It’s the Opposite of What You’d Expect”, INC., Jeff Steen, January 2022.
The author of the article interchanged mistakes and risks but they both say you got to make mistakes or take risks if you are going to grow, succeed, or get anywhere. In January, Pink said learning from mistakes should be our guide to 2022.
The author and Daniel were talking about getting past our pandemic days. Back then, everything was in a doldrum then. To get out of those dark days, we need to start making mistakes to pull ourselves out of this predicament.
And today? Are things brighter? I’m not so sure…we still have a lot of problems in this world and the coronarvirus is still raging around us, even though we want to ignore it.
“The truth is, we won’t get past our dark days, nor will we grow our businesses, improve our society, or heal our environment with daily plodding…That will require us to take some risks. And while we have become incredibly risk-averse in recent months, we won’t flourish unless and until we learn to explore, experiment, and, as Gaiman urges, make mistakes.”
“Daniel Pink Just Tweeted the Best Advice for a Winning 2022 I’ve Seen Yet. It’s the Opposite of What You’d Expect”, INC., Jeff Steen, January 2022.
I thought I would visit this topic to remind myself that we all need to keep trying.
So, keep making mistakes. Keep taking risks.
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