Maybe we are making headway

I don’t know if the Inflation Reduction Act has made it through the House yet, but if it does, it could be significant in starting to do something about climate change. Up to now, we haven’t done anything, and this Act could start moving the US in hopefully the right direction. Will it reduce inflation – initial readings of the news say mostly no. The legislation is not going to add to the inflation, but the impact will be so small that we may as well say it’s zero.

Oh, I just read a twitter announcement from the only person I follow that the act has become law! We can celebrate.

Now, will that legislation stop all of these heat waves and severe flooding and fires and drought from happening? No, I don’t think so; I think the current extreme weather is pretty much baked in. We will continue to have disastrous weather. I think we’re too late, but what we can do is make sure we don’t go over 1.5 degrees centigrade – the inflection point where the weather becomes catastrophic (I can’t even imagine what that would be). We’re at 1.1 degrees centigrade. No wonder the scientists have been beating the drums – we don’t have much further to go.

I think the rest of the world can sigh with relief. And this action might pressure India and China to do the same – I believe that was one of the concerns by those opposed to the legislation.

Now, if we can beat back the rest of the pending disasters.

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