My concerns

[Note: I’m undergoing some stressful activity so my posting will slow down for a while until I get through this period.]

In the early days I worried about whether Americans can come together on the current crisis our world faces today because TFG said Putin was smart and doing a genius thing, Tucker Carlson was sounding like he was behind Putin, Madison Cawthorn described Zelensky as a thug, and Marjorie Taylor Green did nothing but smile at an America First PAC when the attendees shouted “Putin, Putin, Putin”. I wondered if these people represented just a small fraction of the American populace or was a worrying feature of our landscape.

At the moment, it seems like they are the fringe.

At the moment.

From my readings, it sounded like Indiana Representative Spartz pulled together the Republican party to stand behind Ukraine. She was basically the one who pulled them to the Ukrainian side. I’m very grateful for that.

But I do have some concerns.

Part of the battle entails not just the weaponry and logistics but also propaganda. We can’t forget the communications side of the war. That is what those aforementioned individuals are doing, and she is not addressing that. At least the news does not say so; she seems to be more interested in attacking the White House which is trying to navigate the environment to provide more help without triggering a nuclear war.

As far as I can tell, she hasn’t called out Madison Cawthorn or Marjorie Taylor Green. Why hasn’t she? She is not forcibly pushing back the propaganda that Tucker Carlson dishes out. I think Mitt Romney did that with his “almost treasonous” statement. I wish she would battle the communications that is coming out of a few people in her party.

The numbers may be small, but they are like infections that could grow. Once those infections take root and grow, they may become extremely difficult to root out. If more Americans start to be persuaded by Tucker Carlson that what Putin is doing is not bad, then Ukraine may well be lost. The American voters will then force the Republicans to withhold the weaponry aids that you want to send. They may even vote in Republicans who will stall the aids process.

If the American voters turn on the idea of helping Ukraine, then Ukraine could very well be lost. They might still win with NATO assistance, or they might not. You don’t want risk that scenario; you want all hands-on deck.

Remember, TFG was buddy buddy with Putin and withheld financial aid to buy weapons from Ukraine. If Americans vote him back in office, think what he would do next. I’m sure it is not something you or Ukraine would want.

I’m puzzled as to why you are not fighting the propaganda. It is almost as if you are not truly serious about assisting your homeland and that you are just using this situation to play political games with the White House. I implore you to think otherwise.

We really need you to fight that propaganda – speak out against Tucker Carlson, forcibly negate whatever Cawthorn says, push against whatever antics MTG performs. I understand TFG but the others, I’m not seeing you do it.

You need to fight against that insidious propaganda.

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