It's Not Amusing

This is not amusing

The fact that Trump is still leading is very scary. In the beginning, it was funny watching a showman bluster and swagger. He was laughable. Even Hillary laughed when talking about him. Now, she’s not laughing. Apparently his appeal is that he says things that no one else will and he fights without ever backing down. It…

Macro Practice III

Macro Practice Part III

Hopefully I can finish this topic today because I have only 2 more macros to talk about and then I’m at the end of what I have figured out. The last post stopped at separating out the individual letters so that the letters could be counted. The next macro I’m going to talk about is…

Part II of Macro Practice

Macro Practice Part II

(Still working on the new WordPress theme so the site is still messy.) Yesterday I finished posting part I of my macro practicing which was basically the game of encrypting a phrase. Today, I will note some of the macros I developed for preparing to decrypt. I haven’t figured out how to decrypt but I…

Practicing with macros

Personal Project with Macro Programming

I’ve started practicing with macros again for preparation for next year because I need to remain familiar with macro programming. And it’s just so amazing how FAST macros run. They are not foolproof though, because I think sometimes something is running in the background on my laptop and that something “jiggles” the macros, making errors pop up. So that’s…