Data Model

Discovering Data Model

Before I left on a retreat, I was playing around with Access and data model. Pivot tables have something called data model and I was playing around with it to see how it works. What I found was that it allows you to combine two tables, kind of like Access’ joining of tables and/or queries….

Business Retreat

Went on a retreat

I have been away for a while: I’ve been running various errands and then I had to get ready for a business retreat. Now I’m spending time recovering from the retreat and trying to get caught up. The business retreat was nice because I got to meet face to face with some of the people I…

Greed II They always want more

Greed Part II

Within the past week, another drug company has been found to be jacking up prices in a price gouging manner: Valeant Pharmaceuticals International. It is headed up by an ex-McKinseyite – a former consultant, a group marginally better than hedge fund managers. The company’s strategy is to buy up pharmaceuticals instead of investing in R&D….

The Scary Future

The Scary Future

I’m reading at least 4 books right now, only one of which is fiction. My problem is I just don’t have time and there are so many interesting things to do. Anyway, I have mentioned Future Smart before in conjunction with the author’s envisioned future for money. But the author also talks about –  surprise,…