Unbounded Greed

Unbounded Greed

During the week there had been some news articles about Turing Pharmaceuticals and its CEO, Martin Shkreli, jacking up the price of a drug that has been around for at least 60 years, from $13.50 to $750 a pill. The stated reason for doing so: “needed to make a profit”. Um how about: price gouging because…

Tapping Into Macros

More Macro Fun

This is a continuation of a prior post but this time, I will talk about a really interesting kind of macro that I have recently been learning. I knew that you could record macros, you could have a button for starting macros, you could use ctrl+key to start a macro, you could have a macro…

More Automation

More Automation

I’ve been working on a set of new projects – some of it pertains to gathering data and performing analysis and some of it requires a bit of automation. The analytical piece is not done and probably will be ongoing. The analysis is only at the beginning stage so there is not much to relay…

Creating Money

Creating Money

I’m reading another book called Future Smart by James Canton. It’s about what the future may bring and what you may need to be thinking of doing to prepare. Some of the things he predicts seems very obvious, like predicting that we will all be connected due to the Internet, social media and Internet of…

Grabbing the Stream of Money Flowing Around the World

Grabbing the Money Flow

There was an article in the New York Times about a private equity firm that once again contributes to finance’s bad image. In case you haven’t noticed, I do not have much regards for hedge funds and equity firms; I regard them as being leeches on society. They make too much money for the value…