Good and Bad

Finance Professionals’ Bad Image

There has been a spate of articles depicting bad images of financial professionals. To keep this post short, I will just talk about one, which I read a couple weeks ago. The link to the article I’m referencing is: The article is titled “5 Reasons Executives Aren’t Good People”, written on 3/12/2014 by Jason Notte in The…

5 Excel Tools

5 Excel Tools

Generally, you should use software tools that have been well tested and provide robust results, but there are times when you just need to do your own thing. Maybe the software doesn’t give you the information you need and you need to dig into the details deeper. Or you need to do some ad hoc…

Data does not equal meaning

Data does not equal meaning

Earlier this week, I read a blog by Paul Krugman on the inaugural of Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight website (or maybe the re-birthing of the site). The main point of the blog is that you can’t throw up the data and say “the data speaks for itself”. You need to do some analysis and indicate what the…

Random picture

Random Function

This post will be a short one since I’m working on a project for a friend. The random function in Excel is kind of a neat function. There are two: 1) rand() and randbetween(a,b). Some uses for it are: 1) Randomize your numbers in Monte Carlo simulation; 2) Randomly organize your numbers if you want to…