Looking into the AI future

Looking into the AI future

“Initially, AI will have a broadly augmentative effect, taking over low-value tasks and empowering humans to focus their efforts on more strategic and creative jobs. But at some stage, likely in five years or so, AI will start to take over entire job roles, starting with the most “procedural” or rules-based jobs. Eventually, it will…

Price gouging, price fixing and price controls

Price gouging, price fixing and price controls

Something a little different tonight: talking about pricing. I’m not talking about pricing models created to figure out what to charge for a service or product. That topic is a typical FP&A topic. Not tonight though. It’s economic. It’s terminology which I have never really thought about before: price controls versus price fixing versus price…

Productivity Hit

Productivity Hit

My productivity took a hit this week. Or maybe I transformed one kind of productivity into another kind: so instead of doing stuff related to finance/data/Excel/AI, I did stuff more related to civics engagement. The impetus for that was the curiosity of how President Joe Biden was doing after removing himself from the race. The…

Playing with a Meeting AI

Playing with a Meeting AI

“I’m going to bring an elephant to our meeting next week.” What was that?!? ***************************************************************************** Every week I have a call on AI: what’s in the news, how people are using it, how regular people can use it at work, play with AI tools, and any rants. After numerous articles about how hiring managers were…

Storms over the horizon

Storms over the horizon

We’re in August so there are a couple of storms brewing over the horizon. Last week Debbie stormed over Florida out of the Atlantic and then stalled somewhere around Georgia/South Carolina/North Carolina, dumping buckets of rain and then traversed up along the East coast, bringing in floods. So, a hurricane formed out in the Atlantic…