NO! Charles Koch can’t just say mea culpa that easily.

No, simply no!

Charles Koch wants us to forgive him for creating the mess we’re in but no, he can’t get a pass for his role in how America got to where we are today.

Here are some headlines on his desire “to heal the nation”.

I don’t believe him. He can’t write a book and say “Oops, we screwed up”, and expect us to believe that he wants to heal our country. I’m under the impression he spent decades funding conservative causes so that he could have lower taxes (make more money by reducing expenses), have more deregulation (make more money by reducing expenses), and combat climate change assertions (make more money by keeping the oil revenue). In other words, all of his funding was to make more money!

No, he mustn’t get away with it so easily. He has to prove that he really is contrite.

If he wants to do a mea culpa, then he can start by giving away his wealth. Start funding environmental initiatives to help those impacted by flooding, fires and famine. Start funding organizations promoting media literacy and education so that people are not so easily bamboozled by corrupt liars and grifters. Start by funding non-partisan organizations or non-profit organizations that aim to help those impacted by the environment, by poverty, by inequality. Start by funding organizations working to push through campaign finance reforms so that Citizens United can be overturned. Start by funding initiatives to promulgate living wages and increased minimum wages. Start by funding organizations working on bank reforms and changing the capitalistic philosophy from profit maximization and shareholder value to something more inclusive like stakeholder values.

Stop funding conservative think tanks and organizations that promotes ever lower taxes, that aim to influence our representatives in the House and Senate or that fights regulations.

Take your money away from conservative organizations because they are all corrupt now. Do not give a cent to them.

Give away all of your money to non-partisan organizations if you want to improve the country. All of it, not just some of it. All of it.

Nothing less than really truly giving away all of your wealth to worthy non-profit, non-conservative organizations will do.

Only then will I start to believe you.

If you are not interested in that, then you don’t truly mean it. If you are not interested in that kind of restitution, then I’m not interested in what you have to say.

For I just don’t believe you. Because you spent decades destroying us.

But give away your money properly, then maybe I can start believing you really mean it about healing the country.

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