No Masks Equal Murder

Sorry, it’s harsh, but at this point, we all know what we need to do to contain the virus: wear the mask. There are too many stories about innocent people catching the virus and ending up in the hospital on ventilators, if not in body bags, despite all precautions they take:

-The patriarch of an extended family dies, despite secluding himself within his home. The only contact he had were with his children who wore masks and practiced social distancing. Unfortunately, they had to go to work and it was probably at work where somebody was not careful or did not consciously take precaution. Now the patriarch is dead.

-The mother and father of an autistic woman got severely sick, with the father ending up on the ventilator. They secluded themselves, too, not going out at all, but their autistic daughter worked at a grocery store, wearing masks, of course, but the customers did not wear masks. All of them caught the virus and had some range of symptoms before the governor finally instituted mandatory masks. The mother is still sick but is improving; however, the father is still at the hospital fighting for his life. All because customers would not wear masks.

-I’ve already mentioned this story before but it bears repeating, a relatively young man, around the age of late forties had been staying at home until one day he felt he had to go out. He went to a party given by a “friend” who had known that he had tested positive for the virus. No masks were worn at the party. The young man got sick and ended up in the hospital. The day before he died, he exclaimed on Facebook, “I think I made a mistake. The virus is real.” All because of a supposed friend gave a party while knowingly infected.

We’re six or seven months into this crisis and we all know, or should know, by now that wearing masks could help greatly in reducing the infection rate. Ignorance is not an excuse. Not wearing a mask because you want your freedom is selfish. We don’t have the right to such selfishness when the communities’ lives and health are at stake.

That’s why I say: Not wearing a mask equals murder.

You don’t have the right to get into a car drunk and drive off: you could commit murder while intoxicated.

You don’t have the right to set off firecrackers within the city’s limit: you could commit arson and destroy properties.

You don’t have the right to recklessly speed down the highway: you could have an accident and kill somebody.

In all of these cases, you are committing a crime. I would not be surprised if not wearing a mask becomes thought as a crime if people continue to disregard the orders and continue to be selfish, and the virus continues to spread savagely through the communities.

It’s such a simple thing. It’s really not hard to wear a mask; it’s just uncomfortable and bothersome to wear, but surely, not nearly as difficult as being on a ventilator. Really, man up and quit whining about your “rights”.

Wear the mask; save lives.

Not wearing a mask equals murder.

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