Rebrand Exercise

Rebranding Exercise

Rebranding - the new logo

A few months ago, probably last year, I did a post on the fact our company did a rebranding exercise that refreshed their logo but at the time I didn’t think the company was ready to announce to the work its new look. The website wasn’t even set up yet. But in the last few weeks, the company has rolled out our signatures to use in our emails and gave us the branding guidelines, including PowerPoint and Word document templates, so I think it’s safe to do a post on the change. I like the new look and color scheme and they bring the company’s look into the more modern fashion.

Here’s the old version:

Old logo

And here’s the new version:

New logo

The old look kind of looked fuddy duddy, or maybe I’m reacting to the comparison against the more modern logos and colors such as Apple and Google. The new logo looks refreshed and a lot more exciting.

So with the templates, guidelines and new signatures, I’ve been trying to update our look on our communications to make it more exciting. So as a first step I replaced the old logo with the new one. Then I began to play with the color scheme.

As an example, here’s the old report.

Spreadsheet example with old colors and old logo

Here’s a more colorful example.

Spreadsheet with a more colorful scheme and new logo

And here’s the “final” version.

Spreadsheet with new logo but with a more conservative colors

The last one is the “final” version for the time being. I chose this version only because it seems to comply with the feel vibe I get from the Powerpoint template. I do lean toward the more colorful but for external reporting, we may want to keep it more “serious”.

Of course, we are also looking to see if we can deploy Power BI to generate more WOW reporting. In other words, I want to go beyond just the surface and get to the meat of the data. There are more changes to come and we’ll see how successful I am in bringing in the WOW factor.

Here is an example of an email that I’m playing around to see how we can stretch our communications.

Email example of applying rebranding colors and applying imagery - mainly typography.

All of these images are intentionally blurred because I don’t want to provide details of the business.

And that’s it for this week.

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