The call to slow down AI
NOW they put out a call to stop AI progress for at least 6 months.
The preeminent researchers in the AI world got together and put forth a letter asking to stop work on AI until governments or whoever figure out how to put guardrails around it.
I’ sorry, but the Pandora’s box has already been opened and we can’t undo it. It is going to be darn hard if not impossible to stuff back all of the evils that could come out of this development. Really, you guys should have thought of this a long time ago, or at least heeded the warnings that others were giving.
What do we do now? I have no idea. Yes, go ahead and try to slow it down but don’t be surprised if the development speeds up. Just realize, the box is already open.
A friend, who is up to date on all of the technology stuff, said that one of the transhumanist, “the worst one”, even says to stop it. So even those who love the idea of embedding machines into humans are freaking out at the speed.
Science Fiction Story – a bad one
I’m going to end this post with a “science fiction story” or something. I’m not a writer so …
Within ten years, the speed of progress in AI capabilities was such that some scientist (Elon Musk maybe?) starts embedding AI into humans, enabling them with super-inhuman capabilities, a first merger of human and machine. A transhumanist’s wet dream.
Maybe the scientist was the first to undergo the experiment. Or maybe some super wealthy billionaire or trillionaire (Peter Thiel?) who paid extravagantly for the privilege.
Here’s the start of the diverge in the human race: between the real humans and the man/machine types. Let the inequality bloom!
But the AI capabilities speed along so that even those man/machine blend do not really understand what is going on. The machines have learned how to duplicate themselves, so now the first female man/machine blend will undergo an experiment performed by the machines: the alteration of the zygote/fetus into a man/machine blend.
At some point in the future, even babies will no longer have to undergo surgery to get some kind of AI implant: the AI will do it in the womb.
And this completes the enslavement of mankind.
A terrible story, and I’m not talking about depressing story…I mean it would not sell. But, could mankind go in this direction? It can go in any direction.
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