The Heat is On; Record Heat Yesterday

I hope those oil and gas companies are ready to acknowledge that there is something going on with the climate. The decades of denial should be over.

Yesterday, July 3rd was noted to be the hottest day on record for the world. Let me add the quote from the news source:

Monday, July 3, was the hottest day ever recorded globally, according to data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction.

Reuters, “World registers hottest day ever recorded on July 3”, Gloria Dickie, July 4, 2023

I read through the article and the article does not appear to be saying the hottest July 3rd weather, or the hottest weather for 2023. It’s saying the hottest ever of any day.

At least the climate deniers are not saying fake news because I would think it would be difficult to fool those sweltering under the heat that the weather is HOT. There has been a heat doom sitting over the south, especially Texas, for a couple of weeks now in June so that the state has been under heat advisories and warnings. With the heat index, the temperatures have been soaring into triple digits, with some spots edging into 116 or 118 degrees.

Where I’m at, the feel like temperature has been reaching 106, 107, 108 degrees. I know that the regular temperature has breached 100 degrees, which usually with a heat index addition of at least 10 extra degrees, we’re talking about 110 degrees feel like temperature.

But I haven’t been checking that because it’s too hot to bother.

Along with the soaring temperatures, we have to manage our energy usage to make sure our energy grid stays up. So the temperature is a little warmer indoors.

You know, if you want to help reduce the energy usage, especially fossil fuels, companies should just stop demanding workers back to the office!

Just saying!

I’m trying to take it easy while it’s hot (it’s also summer!) so my productivity has slowed down. I’m trying to maintain some level of productivity while also relaxing during the summer season.

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