This is ridiculous.

Last week or so, I read about some kind of protest in either Oregon or Washington about people’s freedom to do what they want (not the Black Lives Matter protest). This was a protest about having the right to not wear masks and control over their body (I don’t think they were talking about abortion). I sort of glanced at the video that was attached to the article.

One lady approached a podium and said something about being forced to inhale her CO2 because of the mask. She could die from the CO2 toxicity.

Okay. Let’s just stop here and think about this. Surgeons wear masks and they are not dying from inhaling CO2. Normal people in Asia have been wearing masks and they are not dying from CO2 inhalation. Now, if you wore the mask all day for more than 8 hours, then maybe there would be some slight effect but not enough to kill (based upon my brief research).

Masks will not kill you.

There is a shockingly high level of selfishness in this country. There are too many people who don’t want to wear a mask for the sake of the health of our community. It’s just astonishing the callousness I’m seeing.

We have laws that says you can’t drink and drive; otherwise, you might kill someone while intoxicated. Some places have laws that say you cannot set off a firecracker within a city limits; otherwise, you might start a fire. We have laws that say you cannot smoke in public buildings because of long term health impact of second hand smoke.

Wearing a mask is not a law, but it’s a courtesy – a request.

Heck, you might as well demand for the right to drink and drive so you can kill someone because deliberately not wearing a mask is in effect murdering someone or maybe can even be considered a serial killing.

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