Time to chill out

So, the Conways decided to take time out of their political work and focus on family.

I think that’s a great idea.

Their daughter has been on twitter acting out whatever family dynamic has been going on in her life and I was a bit worried about what that meant. I can’t see that family situation being healthy with the mother being in the administration and the father actively opposing it. It’s such a weird situation and probably mirroring what is going on in a lot of families.

So, taking time off is a great idea. The family can get out of that hellhole and hopefully move back to being normal again. See each other as humans. I’m glad it’s both parents and not just one that is opting to focus on family – that’s a smart thing to do.

And maybe some deprogramming can begin.

Although, in the back of my mind, there is always the suspicion that they were playing both sides of the fence in case one side overwhelms the other – they have a foot in each camp. I think the father is more real in his sentiments, mainly because he is Filipino or from Indonesia which would make him more sensitive to the displays of bigotry. He will understand what it means when people tell him “to go back to where he came from”. So, I have a suspicion that the mother may actually be opposed to all of the chaos going on and is looking for a graceful reason to opt out. At least, that is my wishful thinking.

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