Twenty Years Later

Well, it’s twenty years since that dreadful day. Since then America, and the world, has experienced a lot: the Great Recession, a black president, forever war, the rise of the Republican hard right, 2016 election, pandemic, multiple racial reckonings, climate change.

Um, it’s been stressful, especially the last two years with America being split.

I would say Al Qaeda (and maybe Putin) has won – maybe not in the way they expected – but they did extract some kind of victory out of US polarization and inability to come together for the public good.

I think I will leave it as that.

On another note: there are two storm systems to worry about. One of them might start affecting me tomorrow or Monday. The weather people say that this storm is not a Harvey type storm but it will rain hard. As long as the storm does not stall while riding up the western Gulf Coast, alongside Texas and towards Louisiana, then we might get some flooding but not the Harvey level flooding. But if the storm stalls (that’s assuming the storm stays a tropical storm and does not become a hurricane) or moves very slowly up the coast, then it’s not good.

Climate change is not happening in 2030; it’s happening now. I hope you folks realize that now.

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