
Update on Data Query and Power BI

Words: it just might work (in reference to data query and Power BI updating without websites being open)

Back in December, I ran a test to see if Data Query and Power BI would update from the web so long as the website itself did not go away or its physical layout did not change. I tested the House of Representatives from Wikipedia and the State Temperatures from NOAA and they worked. Also, last time, I created a direct link to the NOAA state temperature data in Power BI rather than updating in Excel via data query and then feeding into Power BI. But in December I had the websites open.

I wanted to test the idea if data query and Power BI would still update even if I did not have the website open.

And that was what I did today.

And they WORKED!

Oh, this has possibilities…so long as the site’s physical layout does not change or the site does not go away.

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