Updates: picture of woman looking up from her sunglasses

Updates On My Projects

A little update on what’s been going on, aside from the ACA reporting. At the moment I’m waiting for the TCC and software codes before I can do the software testing. I’ve prepped all of the files so that as soon as I get those codes, I can do the testing. It should be any day now.

In the meantime, a couple of posts ago, I mentioned that at work I was going to learn Quickbase and Tableau to get started on some projects and I was hoping for a meeting that would kick it off. But, nothing happened so I said to just lower my expectations. Eventually we did have that meeting but another change appeared from that meeting: we learned that we will no longer be using Tableau.

So the game plan changed. It looks like we will use Office 365 and its Business Intelligence tools. We’re in transition at the moment before I can start exploring how we can use the Business Intelligence tools for what we’re hoping to do. Until then, that project is on hold.

There are other projects coming up but I don’t want to discuss until it is more fleshed out because things could change again.

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