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US Fell Off the List

The list is my list of top 10 countries with cumulative cases over the last 14 days, so on Friday that would be 2/25/2022 to 3/11/2022. In this list, the US has always been at the top of the list, pretty much since the inception of this pandemic.

In the image below, the list is found in the table at the bottom left.

By the way, all data for the graphs came from Wikipedia. I used the data pertaining to the world.

Image 1: Top 10 Countries by Cases over last 14 days, as of 3/11/2022

That was an amazing sight to see! Of course, by Saturday night, the US was back on the list, but we were not at the top.

So, cases have dramatically decreased.

But I’m noticing that Europe kind of has a bounce. In other words, some countries like Germany are either steaming up or hovering at a high level and others may be undergoing a bounce such as UK or France. In fact, it is said that UK is definitely seeing an increase in cases AND in hospitalizations due to the new Omicron variant called Omicron B. Omicron B may be more contagious than Omicron A (and that was pretty darn contagious with nearly vertical rise in cases) AND possibly more lethal. Omicron A did not lead to adverse life impacts for those vaccinated, but it is feared that Omicron B may be more lethal, even in spite of vaccination.

Asia is also seeing some rises in cases after showing declines for a while. Those rises are being driven by South Korea and Vietnam.

Image 2 show the bounce for Europe and Asia.

Image 2: Continents’ Cases, as of 3/11/2022

Even China is seeing increases in cases, so the leaders have imposed a lockdown. I don’t follow China’s numbers because I’m not sure how valid they are – you know, because of the need to put on a good face. I might have to give a peak at the numbers, but I’m still dubious.

So, are we prematurely celebrating? I almost think so. The next month or so will provide clues. I would imagine that the Omicron B will first show up in New York and then in the South.

We might not be out of the woods yet.

Tomorrow, I go back to normal programming: doom thinking about the state of world affairs over in Ukraine and Russia. Not really my normal topic but I have 4 or 5 thoughts sitting in my head, so I need to think them out here.

Sources of Data

WORLD : Cases and deaths from Wikipedia website https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_by_country_and_territory

US and STATES : Five main sources of data are available – Wikipedia, COVID Tracking Project, CDC, JHU, and HHS

COVID Tracking Project: The COVID Tracking Project was a collaborative effort of free labor overseen by The Atlantic. This project ended on 3/7/2021. The Atlantic’s COVID Tracking Project was provided under Common Creative license “CC BY-NC-4.0” and covered cases, deaths, hospitalization, and positivity, amongst other data.
API: https://covidtracking.com/api/v1/states/daily.csv
Table: daily

CDC: CDC has become a replacement for the COVID Tracking Project for me although the data will often come in a few days later. Hospitalization comes in a week later. I’m tracking cases, deaths, hospitalization, and positivity.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 Response. COVID-19 Case Surveillance Public Data Access, Summary, and Limitations
Table: rows

Cases and deaths: https://data.cdc.gov/api/views/9mfq-cb36/rows.csv
Hospitalization: https://beta.healthdata.gov/api/views/g62h-syeh/rows.csv (Good data doesn’t start until about 7/15/2020)
Testing: https://beta.healthdata.gov/api/views/j8mb-icvb/rows.csv
Positivity: https://beta.healthdata.gov/api/views/j8mb-icvb/rows.csv

John Hopkins University (JHU): I rarely show these sets of data; I mostly use Wikipedia or CDC but sometimes I like to reference the JHU.

Please cite our Lancet Article for any use of this data in a publication (link)
Provided by Johns Hopkins University
Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE):


Terms of Use:

1. This data set is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) by the Johns Hopkins University on behalf of its Center for Systems Science in Engineering. Copyright Johns Hopkins University 2020.

2. Attribute the data as the “COVID-19 Data Repository by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University” or “JHU CSSE COVID-19 Data” for short, and the

url: https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19.

3. For publications that use the data, please cite the following publication: “Dong E, Du H, Gardner L. An interactive web-based dashboard to track COVID-19 in real time. Lancet Inf Dis. 20(5):533-534. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30120-1”

Website https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19

HHS: Hospitalization data for US – can be US level, state level or county level

url: https://healthdata.gov/api/views/anag-cw7u/rows.csv

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